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Herman et Katnip est un duo de personnages de cartoon créé par Seymour Kneitel. Herman la souris et Katnip le chat sont au centre de courts métrages d'animation produits par les Famous Studios, entre 1944 et 1959. Arnold Stang prête sa voix à Herman alors que Katnip est doublé par Sid Raymond.

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Films de la série

Avec Herman seul (1944-1950)

Film Date de diffusion Réalisateur
The Henpecked RoosterSeymour Kneitel
Scrappily Married
Cheese BurglarIzzy Sparber
Sudden Fried ChickenBill Tytla
Naughty But MiceSeymour Kneitel
Campus Capers
Saved By the Bell

Avec Katnip seul (1952)

Film Date de diffusion Réalisateur
City KittyIzzy Sparber
Feast and Furious

Avec les deux (1950-1959)

Film Date de diffusion Réalisateur
Mice Meeting YouSeymour Kneitel
Mice ParadiseIzzy Sparber
Cat TamaleSeymour Kneitel
Cat Carson Rides Again
Of Mice and MagicIzzy Sparber
Herman the Cartoonist
Drinks on the MouseDave Tendlar
Northwest MousieSeymour Kneitel
Surf and SoundDave Tendlar
Of Mice and MenaceSeymour Kneitel
Ship A-HooeyIzzy Sparber
Rail-RodentsDave Tendlar
Robin Rodenthood
A Bicep Built for TwoSeymour Kneitel
Mouse TrapezeIzzy Sparber
Monsieur HermanDave Tendlar
MouseumSeymour Kneitel
Will Do Mousework
Moustero HermanIzzy Sparber
Hide and PeakDave Tendlar
Cat in the Act
Sky Scrappers
From Mad to WorseSeymour Kneitel
One Funny KnightDave Tendlar
Frighty CatIzzy Sparber
You Said a MousefulSeymour Kneitel
Owly to Bed
Felineous Assault
Fun on Furlough
Katnip's Big Day

Buzzy et Katnip (1950-1954)

Film Date de diffusion Réalisateur
Sock-A-Bye KittySeymour Kneitel
As the Crow Lies
The Awful Tooth
Better Bait than Never
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

На других языках

[en] Herman and Katnip

Herman and Katnip are a duo of cartoon characters, Herman the Mouse and Katnip the Cat, that starred in theatrical animated shorts produced by Famous Studios in the 1940s and 1950s.[1] Arnold Stang and Allen Swift were the regular voices of Herman,[2] while Sid Raymond was the regular actor for Katnip, although one or both of the characters would occasionally be voiced by Jackson Beck and Jack Mercer, respectively.
- [fr] Herman et Katnip

[it] Herman & Katnip

Herman & Katnip è un cartone animato prodotto dal 1944 al 1960 da Famous Studios.

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