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Scarlett Hill was a Canadian soap opera (first written for CBC Television) which ran from October 1962 to 1964. This was the first daytime soap opera produced for Canadian television, although it was based upon an American radio drama created by Robert and Kathleen Lindsay.

The series focused on the residents of a boarding house, and starred John Drainie, Ed McNamara, Gordon Pinsent, and Beth Lockerbie.

The series was syndicated to the United Kingdom, Australia and the US; in America, the show ran in syndication from 1965 to 1966 on a handful of stations.[1]


The cast included:[2]


  1. Schemering, Christopher (1987). The Soap Opera Encyclopedia (2nd ed.). Ballantine Books. p. 200. ISBN 0-345-35344-7.
  2. Copeland, Mary Ann (1991). Soap Opera History. Publications International. p. 276. ISBN 0-88176-933-9.

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