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Bruce Fink is an American Lacanian psychoanalyst and a major translator of Jacques Lacan.[1] He is the author of numerous books on Lacan and Lacanian psychoanalysis, prominent among which are Lacan to the Letter: Reading Écrits Closely,[2] The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance (1995),[3] Lacan on Love: An Exploration of Lacan's Seminar VIII[4][5] and A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique.[6]

Bruce Fink
Occupationpsychoanalyst, former professor and author
EducationUniversity of Paris VIII (Saint-Denis)
Alma materCornell University
Notable worksA Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique, The Lacanian Subject

Education and work

After undergraduate study in psychology, sociology, literature, and philosophy at Cornell University, Fink completed his graduate work abroad at the University of Paris, VIII. Among Fink's mentors at Paris VIII was the preeminent philosopher and Lacanian psychoanalyst Alain Badiou, who supervised his M.A. thesis in philosophy. Fink completed his Ph.D. in psychoanalysis in 1987, defending a dissertation on the work of Lacan. After graduating Fink was admitted to the psychoanalytic formation program of the École de la Cause freudienne, an institute of the French Psychoanalytic Institute. While a student at Paris VIII Fink attended "Orientation lacanienne" seminar given by Jacques-Alain Miller, the foremost interpreter of Lacan and at the time the head of Ecole de la Cause Freudienne (School of Freudian Cause).[7]

Fink is the author of several books and dozens of peer-reviewed articles on Lacan and Lacanian clinical methods, and is one of the most widely read Lacanian analysts in the English-speaking world. His translation of Lacan's Écrits is considered the standard edition. In addition to translating several of Lacan's later seminars, since 1986 he has presented his theoretical and clinical work at nearly a hundred different conferences, psychoanalytic institutes, and universities in the U.S. and abroad.[8]


AUTHORED (English)





  1. Bernard, Mihaela (2017-04-11). "Interview with Dr. Bruce Fink, author of "Clinical Introduction to Freud: Techniques for Everyday Practice"". Psych Central. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  2. Murphy, Paula (July 2005). "Book Review: Linguistricks: Reading Lacan to the Letter". International Journal of Baudrillard Studies. 2 (2). Archived from the original on 8 October 2018. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  3. "Book entry". Princeton University Press. Retrieved 8 July 2017.
  4. "Bruce Fink Bibliography".
  5. Libbey, Peter (Sep–Oct 2016). "The truth is a lemon meringue". Radical Philosophy (199): 49–51. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  6. "Book entry". Harvard University Press.
  7. Fink, Bruce (1999). A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. p. v.
  8. "Home Page". Bruce Retrieved 11 July 2017.

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