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Lenin Gani (Bengali: লেনিন গনি) (9 December 1967- May 2013) was a highly respected Bangladeshi sports journalist. He was the sports editor of New Age, and later, and was a senior member of the Bangladesh Sports Journalists Association.

Lenin Gani
United Kingdom
Other namesAsif
OrganizationSports Editor, BDNews24


Lenin worked for a number of major newspapers of Bangladesh, including, from 1993 to 2006, The Daily Star.[1] In 2001 Lenin won the prestigious Best Sports Report award from Dhaka Reporters Unity.


In 2008 Lenin was diagnosed with a rare terminal illness Pulmonary Hypertension. He moved to the UK to receive treatment, and continued to contribute to Bangladeshi journalism in his debilitating state. On May 23, 2013 Lenin finally succumb to his condition.[2]


Lenin has a wife and daughter who live in the United Kingdom. His paternal family hail from Beanibazar.

See also


  1. "Those who make Star Sport". 15th Anniversary Special: Sport. The Daily Star. Retrieved 2016-11-24.
  2. "You'll never walk alone". The Daily Star. May 25, 2013.

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