- MovieSinister Street is a 1922 British silent drama film directed by George Beranger and starring John Stuart, Amy Verity and Maudie Dunham.[1] It was adapted from the 1913–14 novel Sinister Street by Compton MacKenzie.
1922 film
External links
Novels |
- Carnival (1912)
- Sinister Street (1913)
- Guy and Pauline (1915)
- Sylvia Scarlett (1918)
- Sylvia and Michael (1919)
- Poor Relations (1919)
- The Vanity Girl (1920)
- Rich Relatives (1921)
- Coral (1925)
- Fairy Gold (1926)
- Rogues and Vagabonds (1927)
- Vestal Fire (1927)
- Extraordinary Women (1928)
- Extremes Meet (1928)
- The Three Couriers (1929)
- April Fools (1930)
- Buttercups and Daisies (1931)
- Our Street (1931)
- Water on the Brain (1933)
- The Darkening Green (1934)
- Figure of Eight (1936)
- The Four Winds of Love (1937)
- The Red Tapeworm (1941)
- The Monarch of the Glen (1941)
- Keep the Home Guard Turning (1943)
- Whisky Galore (1947)
- Hunting the Fairies (1949)
- The Rival Monster (1952)
- Ben Nevis Goes East (1954)
- Thin Ice (1956)
- Rockets Galore (1957)
- The Lunatic Republic (1959)
- Mezzotint (1961)
- The Stolen Soprano (1965)
- Paper Lives (1966)
Adaptations | |
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