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Antimachus of Teos (Greek: Ἀντίμαχος ὁ Τήϊος) was an early Greek epic poet. According to Plutarch, he observed a solar eclipse in 753 BC, the same year in which Rome was founded.[1] The epic Epigoni, a sequel to the legend of Thebes, was apparently sometimes ascribed to Antimachus of Teos.[2] However, confusion is possible with the much later literary poet Antimachus of Colophon (c. 400 BC), who wrote an epic Thebais on what must have been an overlapping subject.

Select editions and translations

Critical editions



  1. Plutarch. Life of Romulus, 12.2.
  2. See Scholia on Aristophanes, Peace, 1270.


На других языках

- [en] Antimachus of Teos

[fr] Antimaque de Téos

Antimaque de Téos (en grec ancien Ἀντίμαχος / Antimachos, parfois orthographié Antimachus ou Antimachos en français) est un poète lyrique grec originaire de Téos en Asie Mineure.

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